Nelson Mandela once said “Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mine worker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation.”
This defines the importance and relevance of education in todays times, where kids are still struggling to achieve their very basic right of going to school and are deprived from learning.
Saying from one personal experience, ‘I once asked the daughter of my house help, about why she is always coming to work with her mother and not attending school, she smiled and answered that her mother doesn’t have enough money to send her to school. But behind the smile of that 12 year old girl, I saw the pain of missing out the most crucial years of her life, making friends, learning new things and experiences and overcoming challenges.’
The sad reality is that there are hundreds and millions of children who are deprived of the basic right to read, write and most importantly to learn. And as this continues, these children fall behind, being frustrated and for some who had a chance to learn, they drop out of school to survive and support their families. A good education could open so many possibilities for these children to fight for their dreams, face the challenges that life throws at them, and most importantly empower and grow as a nation. As the world and system continues to grow, lets hope this is not the end of their story, and how important it is for us as a nation to ensure that every child goes to school and every child learns. We must ensure that everyone gets an equal opportunity to live their dreams.
Author : The post is written by Ms. Gaurika Dhawan, pursuing Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion Marketing from Paris.