Professional training provides field-specific training to develop the technical skills required for working in the field. But in an actual workspace, a lot more than just professional skills are required. Since all humans are sentient beings, that is we can feel and perceive things, and this is one of those things which makes human and machines differently. Therefore only gaining expertise in technical skills does not make an individual the most desirable for the job. But backing up technical knowledge with a basic understanding of oneself as a person who has feelings and needs can make an individual much more efficient at work. During the professional training at SWAN, students are made familiar to skills which they might need not only in their workspace but can be useful in personal life as well.
Introducing clear boundaries in the personal and professional sphere can be the solution to many problems and difficult situation of life. Concept of boundaries, if made clear from the beginning, can resolve problems before them even coming up. Along with technical skills, having skills to analyse oneself is also essential. Having knowledge about who an individual is as a person can be of great benefit in professional life. Knowing oneself is useful in the professional setup as one can get him/ her involved more in the kind of work which he/ she can do the best. If a person knows that he/ she is good at communicating thoughts and idea with others, then he/she can volunteer for work which requires more of dealing with people and introducing a new product and ideas. But if an individual has anxiety issues and feels uncomfortable when dealing with new people then he/she can opt for work responsibilities which have no to little public dealing. Also being aware of one’s own stress threshold can minimise the burnout rate at work. And it can help the person to become much more productive at work. Skills like handling stressful situation and failure are also really important at work. Since at workspace, there are deadlines and there can be multiple tasks to be done at the same time, therefore, to handle such instances one should be able to deal the work pressure and try to be as productive as possible. In order to achieve maximum result, one may have to improvise in his/ her plans or even have to refuse to take any additional workload for that instance. And to deal with such situations at the workplace, where there would be work pressure and deadlines to every task, having just technical skills might not be enough. Therefore, along with technical knowledge individual should be made familiar with issues which actually arise at the workplace and equip them with skills required in order to handle them.